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SPS / GPS Network Connection Info

In order to connect to the appropriate GPS network for your project please follow the steps recommended below.

Step 1: Be sure to check your mount point and that it matches up with the network you are trying to connect to. Mount point ex: CMR_GPS, CMRP_IMAX, VRS_MSM5, CMRX, etc.

Step 2: Sometimes in order to get connected to a new network you will need to power cycle the SPS head unit. To do this hold down the power button for approximately 60 seconds. This will clear the junk files in the head unit.

Step 3: While connecting to a network be sure to rotate the GPS receiver around and move around with the unit.

List of GPS Networks

Below is a list of networks for the states that are covered by the team at BuildingPoint Midwest and Gulf Coast. For additional states please see the list of network resources under the Other Networks heading.

Alabama – AL CORS – Alabama DOT controlled network that covers the whole state

Illinois (Northeast Area) – Reil-net by KaraCo

Indiana – INCORS – Real Time RTK network hosted by Indiana DOT.

Iowa DOT – IaRTN – Link to pdf that shows connection details for Iowa Real Time Network

Louisiana – LSU_C4G – LSU runs and hosts the state based network and there is a fee to access it

Michigan – MDOT CORS-MSRN – Network covers the complete state including the Upper Peninsula

Mississippi – GCGC Real Time Network – Hosted network by the University of Southern Mississippi

Wisconsin – WISCORS – Network hosted by Wisconsin DOT

Other Networks:

Trimble VRS Now Network – Instant access to RTK-level corrections via cellular delivery, no local base station or radio required. Will work for all primary construction activities.

When using the Trimble VRS network for you connection you can go to the following site to check the mount point and the status of the connection for that location. https://vrsnow.us/Map/SensorMap.aspx

Trimble CenterPoint RTX – The best satellite-delivered GNSS positioning service for your most precise jobs, providing you with the freedom to work anywhere without interruptions.

Trimble Reference Base Stations – The link will take you to a list that provides information on over 6500 base stations throughout the world. These reference stations include sites using Trimble® GPSBase, GPSNet, and Trimble Reference Station (TRS™) software. The United States is broken down by individual state in the list. You can use the list to find the reference station that fits your project needs.

GPS World List of Public RTK Networks – This list show only Public based networks and not all of the available networks in a state. Some of the networks on the list do have a member/subscription fee.

Should you still have issues connecting to a network after following the steps above please submit a Support Case via our case form.